University Theatre Dance Concert 2022

A night of student performances, featuring student choreographers and designers.

I had the pleasure of costume designing two dances.

In the first piece, each dancer served as one piece of a puzzle.

I landed on a simplified variation of the chiton and decided they should all be a variation of the same thing, so I chose several values of maroon. I assigned values to the dancers based on the overall composition of the dance and ordered white garments to be dyed.

I experimented on scrap pieces with several dye applications, recording the dye ratio and time for each desired color. Then followed my own instructions when dying the full garments.

Vision Board

In the second piece I designed, the concept was a group of aliens being taught by the government how to be human.

After many iterations, I landed on this sketch, and worked with the Costume Shop to develop a mock-up of the jacket. After some fittings, I shopped for fabrics, and the final jackets were constructed.

The Result!


UTDC 2023


"Everybody" a CMU Studio Production